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I can't find Annotum on

[Note: This article only applies to the version of Annotum.  For a self-hosted ( - WordPress on your own server), you can find Annotum in the theme directory by visiting Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add Theme and searching for "annotum".]

There's been an ongoing issue with the theme directory where some users cannot select and activate the Annotum Base and Annotum Sans themes.  While a fix is being worked on, there is a workaround that you can use to select an Annotum theme on your site.

To select and activate an Annotum theme on, follow these steps.

  1. Decide whether you'd like to use Annotum Base or Annotum Sans.  You can see a screenshot of each theme on Annotum Base | Annotum Sans

  2. Navigate to your dashboard (be sure you are logged in with your administrator account):

    where "" is the domain name of your site.  

    IMPORTANT: you have to get this URL exactly correct for the next step to work.

  3. Now, navigate to the following URL:

    For Annotum Base: 

    For Annotum Sans: 

    Again, where "" is the domain name of your site.  

    IMPORTANT: you have to get this URL exactly correct for this step to work.

  4. You will see a blank page with some text and buttons on the right hand side:

  5. Don't Panic at the blank screen - just click the "Save & Activate" button and the Annotum theme will be activated:

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